The Seaguard

The Seaguard

LeaderAdmiral Constance Arbrintirel
Strength~100 ships, ~5000 sailors
Major locationsWolfgarde, Greystone, Cottenhorn


  • Sailor
  • Midshipman
  • Mate
  • Captain
  • Commodore
  • Admiral

While the Estian League is outmatched on land by its constituent states, that is not the case at sea. The Seaguard commands around 100 warships of various size, more than any other nearby polity. It has has several fortified bases of operation around the islands of the League. Sometimes dubbed the 'wooden wall', they protect the islands from seaborn invasion.

The largest ships in the fleet carry around 100 sailors, and are equipped with ballistae and scorpios. Some also have chainthrowers which make quick work of enemy sails and rigging. These larger ships usually also carry a detachment of marines of the Purple Legion. These forces specialize in boarding and assaulting land objectives.

Smaller ships can have as few as fifteen crew and be armed with a single scorpio. These ships trade power for speed, and are perfect for to missions where the objective is to scout, follow, or harass an enemy.

The only major threat to the Seaguard is the Frontier Trade Company, whose boomdust-powered cannons can make quick work of ships many times their size and count. The Seaguard leadership would very much like to learn the secrets to making boomdust and upgrade their armaments from catapults and scorpios, but cannot risk open confrontation with the FTC.


The Seaguard's headquarters is Seaguard Hold in Goldshore. It is a large fortified harbor and home port of Myrmidon, the flagship of Admiral Constance Arbrintirel. Here, raw recruits are drilled into able sailors, and a large state-of-the-art shipyard services the fleet and builds new ships,