Idioms and Expressions

All communities develop idioms of their own, and some of them spread to the general populace.

General Idioms

These idioms are widely understood by most people in the Estian Islands.

Divine Comparisons

To describe the quality of someone by contrasting them with the superlative gods is not unusual. Some examples of this include:

"Go to the gnomes"

To seek legal counsel. This comes from gnomish culture valuing justice and the practice of law.

"Drunk from Idun's chalice"

To look young for ones age. Idun is the goddess of Prosperity, and she brews a mead that gives eternal life.

"Go wingfooting"

Go on an adventure, especially one of divine calling. Mostly used by halflings, inspired by Cornelius Wingfoot, a renowned halfling cleric of Idun.

Specific Idioms

These idioms might relate to a single settlement, organization, or profession.

"Walk the steps"

To go between the outer and inner tier of Covenant. The two tiers of the city are connected by a wide stair that leads from Keystone Park up to Council Hall.


To settle down where you were assigned, after you grew close to the people there. Used by Pilgrim Knights, especially by Charitors who are assigned to places for a long time, and commonly become an appreciated member of the community. Some mean it pejoratively, others see it as an aspiration.