Balder, God of Poetry


Balder, God of Poetry

The Lyre constellation

Clerical DomainsPoetry, Life, Knowledge
ClassesBard, Wizard, Rogue
BackgroundsSage, Entertainer, Charlatan
Other namesBeautiful, Eloquent One, Lustful One
Symbols and materialsLyre, Jera (j), Moose and deer, Amethyst, Mahogany, Mistletoe, Scrolls and books

Balder is the god of poetry, beauty, art, and revelry. He is usually depicted as a human with long, fair hair, wearing a flower crown of flax flowers and dressed in a flowing golden toga and holding his signature lyre. In Valhalla, Balder provides entertainment for Odin's fallen warriors.

Divine relationships

Balder is the son of Odin. Odin has foreseen Balder's death at the hand of Loki, which leads some champions of Balder to seek out and destroy those in the service of the Spider Prince.

Balder's favor

Balder only gives his favor to those who add to the world's beauty - either through their own visage, or through skill in song, rhyme or art. He is known to occasionally take the visage of a mortal and organize poetry contests, showering the winners with his esteem.

Worship of Balder

A service to Balder might include a musical interlude as a showcase of virtuosic excellence. A temple dedicated to Balder is located in a place of natural beauty, and usually highly decorated. It is not seldom incorporated into a place of learning for the arts, such as a bardic college, an opera house, or a sculpture garden. The largest temple of Balder in the Estian islands is in Heimdall's Anvil, where the Conservatory of the Archivists preserve music and poetry.

The Spring Equinox and the month that follows it are dedicacated to Balder. It is a time of celebration that winter is over, and the coming of spring.

Ideals of Balder

Devotion My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)

Vanity I am the most beautiful person to ever walk this earth. (Any)

Eloquence What is the point unless you can convince others of it? (Lawful)

Pleasure A pretty face and a mug of wine will make me abandon all else. (Chaotic)

Leadership The true measure of someone are those who follow them. (Good)

Imagination Whatever you can think of, make a story out of it. (Any)

Earning and losing piety

You increase your piety score to Balder when you expand the influence of eloquence and beauty by committing acts such as these:

  • Create a work of art, whether it is poetry, song or statue
  • Avoid bloodshed by talking your way out of a sticky spot
  • Gain the admiration of others through your actions
  • Partake in or help organize revelry
  • Find a new partner for the night

Your piety score to Balder decreases if you diminish her influence, contradict her ideals or otherwise ridicule her through acts such as these:

  • Destroy a work of art
  • Disrupt a feast or celebration
  • Wear dirty or worn clothes, allowing your appearance to falter

Balder's Devotee

Piety 3+ Balder trait

You can cast Charm Person once per long rest.

Balder's Adherent

Piety 10+ Balder trait

Balder lets you influence the emotions of those around you. You can cast Calm Emotions once per long rest.

Balder's Disciple

Piety 25+ Balder trait

Balder the Beautiful has granted you an otherworldly eloquence. You have advantage on all Charisma checks made to interact with non-hostile creatures.

Champion of Beauty

Piety 50+ Balder trait

You can increase your Dexterity or Charisma by 2 and also your maximum for that score by 2.