Heritage and Culture

Diagram showing the average heights and body proportions of dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans. Foot scale to the left.

While the Estian Islands are a melting pot of races and cultures, each group still have different values and observe separate traditions.

Suggested classes: Fighter, Cleric, Paladin, Rogue, Wizard


From a distance, elves and humans look quite similar, elves growing perhaps a little taller and lither. Up close however, there is no mistaking them: elf eyes have no pupils, their eyes are a solid color with as much variation in hue and brightness as humans. They also have more pronounced cheekbones, and their ears are longer and pointed.

All elves are descended from the denizens of Alfheim, the Feywild. They migrated to the relative peacefulness of the material plane many thousands of years ago, but still maintain a connection to their ancestral home, often choosing to setlte in areas influenced by that plane. Elves most commonly worship the Vanir, which are usually depicted as elven.

Out of all the races, elves are the most inclined towards primal magic. About one in twenty elves, and even more among the ancient noble lines, can invoke some of nature's power. They also take much pride in teaching their young in artistic pursuits, magical scholarship, or martial prowess. It is not uncommon for elves to set out adventuring for a few years when they are young, but most settle down afterwards.

Martially minded elves fight with many types of weapons, usually preferring ones requiring agility and skill over brute force. Archery has a special place in their culture, as does swords - especially single-edged ones. Some even use multiple swords, either separate ones, or double-bladed swords.

Elves live much longer than humans, about 250 years on average. Elven names are a complex system of honorifics and descriptors, but most describe the circumstance of their birth, such as Silwen, 'Star-lady' for someone born during a particularly starry night.

  • Mastery: Be it art or music, magic or swordplay, there is virtue in perfection. (Any)
  • Manners: Regardless of your true feelings, treat everyone with respect. (Good)
  • Wilderness: I want to be as free as the birds in the sky or the fish in the sea. (Chaotic)
  • Beauty: I live to witness the unsurpassed splendor of life itself. (Good)
  • Patience: There is no need to rush to action when you are blessed with long life. (Lawful)
  • Supremacy: Elves are the greatest mortal species, and I will prove it so. (Evil)

Suggested classes: Ranger, Druid, Monk, Wizard


Elves and humans can produce children that appear take on characteristics of both their parents, with the mother's genes being slightly more important to the final appearance of the child. For example, a half-elf with a human mother will only very rarely have the characteristic elven eyes, but about half of half-elves with an elven mother will.

A half-elf can reach 150 years of age, or slightly more if their mother was elven. Half-elves are themselves infertile, but inheritance laws provide for adopting an heir. Many half-elves lean toward artistic endeavors or the adventuring life, as their dual ancestries can make them feel like outsiders wherever they go. It is common for half-elves to adopt names from the 'opposite' side they were raised on, for example a half-elf that grew up in a human town might have an elven last name, but this is not a hard rule.


In addition to these, half-elves often take ideals from the community they were raised in.

  • Fellowship: I desire to be accepted for who I am. (Any)
  • Artistry: I live to create beautiful things. (Good)
  • Wanderlust: I want to travel to the horizon and beyond. (Neutral)
  • Legacy: Without children, who will talk of my deeds? (Lawful)

Suggested classes: Bard, Warlock, Rogue, Paladin


A long time ago, the dwarves lived in small clans in the forests and mountains. Since then, most hill dwarves have banded together and live with humans and halflings in the towns and cities. A few mountain clans still exist, on the frontiers of civilization. Dwarves almost exclusively worship the Aesir gods, with some even denying the divinity of the Vanir. The only exception is Heimdall, who has his fair share of dwarven devotees, especially among artisans.

Dwarven societies are matrilineal, with titles and property being inherited by the eldest daughter. Dwarves only rarely have more than two or three children, so male heirs are far from unheard of.

Dwarves enjoy feasting, and the most important room of any dwarven home is where meals are taken, usually meats cooked over an open fire in large hearths. At a dwarven feast, it is tradition for the pitmaster to be honored with a horn of the finest mead the household can muster.

Sometimes, dwarves are known to be slow to trust, but equally faithful once their favor has been earned - a dwarf will probably not invite a stranger for dinner, but those who do get an invite will be treated very well.

Before the Empire ruled the islands, Estia was a dwarven kingdom, centered on the city of Kundamar. A small but vocal minority of dwarves want to return to this state of affairs and overthrow what they believe is an unjust occupation of their ancestral lands.

Dwarves usually stand between four and five feet tall, with males a few inches taller than females. Many dwarves take great pride in their appearance and braid their hair and beards in intricate patterns. They have stocky builds, and are very strong for their height. They only rarely go into combat without armor, and prefer large weapons with a big impact. Blunt weapons are more common than bladed ones, atleast in traditional dwarf societies.

Dwarves live about 120 years, with the oldest reaching beyond 150. Dwarven names can be boasts of martial prowess, or include the name of a deity. It is not uncommon for a dwarf to change their last name to something that fits them more closely once they are grown up.

  • Ambition: The world will know my name. (Any)
  • Strength: Only the mighty are righteous rulers. (Lawful)
  • Loyalty: Those who have earned my trust can count on my support. (Good)
  • Resourcefulness: I will use any tools that will get the job done. (Chaotic)
  • Ancestry: I want to live up to the deeds of the heroes of old. (Neutral)
  • Treasure: I'll do anything for the right reward. (Evil)

Suggested classes: Fighter, Barbarian, Cleric


Halflings are a jovial people who like to live their lives without making much of a fuss, although a few of them do feel the wanderlust of an adventurer's lifestyle appealing. A majority of halflings follow Idun, the goddess of Luck. Arcane magic is rare among halflings, but primal magic is more common than in humans.

Most halfling societies are highly agrarian. Usually, halflings are vegetarian, preferring legumes and vegetables over meat. Most inns are able to cater to this, as halflings are known as a courteous and honest people. Some people of other races prefer halfling food, albeit in larger portions.

Halflings share a common ancestor with the gnomes, but lean more toward natural magic than their arcane-minded cousins. They can have children with gnomes, and the children take on the characteristics of its mother. Gnomes and halflings are collectively known as 'smallfolk', and while their cultures are quite different, they are united in their stature.

Most halflings stand between three and four feet tall, which limits their options in combat. Daggers, quarterstaffs, slings, blowguns, and shortbows are popular weapons, as are lighter armors.

Halflings life slightly longer than humans, becoming about 100 years old. Halfling names commonly include a plant or flower.

  • Merriment: It is the little things that bring enjoyment of life. (Any)
  • Harmony: Balance in all things, such is the proper way. (Neutral)
  • Bounty: I will help myself to what my path provides. (Evil)
  • Truth: Dishonesty begets more dishonesty, and I will have no part in that vicious cycle. (Good)
  • Luck: What's life without leaving some things to chance? (Chaotic)
  • Community: I trust my neighbors, as they can trust me. (Lawful)

Suggested classes: Rogue, Bard, Cleric


Gnomes are more curious than their halfling cousins. They are scholars and inventors, always striving to learn. Gnomes have a very high aptitude for arcane magic, with almost one in five having some ability for magic.

Gnomish culture values knowledge highly, especially the study of history. Many gnomes take up professions that uphold the law, such as magistrates or lawyers, to the point that go to the gnomes is an Estian idiom for seeking legal aid.

Gnomes live longer than halflings, usually becoming around 125 years old. Gnome names usually refer to a feature of the land or a profession.

  • Inquisitiveness: The day I stop learning is the day I die. (Any)
  • Logic: Knowledge must also be applied well before it is useful. (Lawful)
  • Justice: Society must swiftly punish wrongdoers, but do so without cruelty. (Good)
  • Authority: I want to be in charge. (Evil)
  • Discipline: Too much of anything spoils it. (Neutral)
  • Invention: Old knowledge applied in a new light can be the solution to many problems. (Chaotic)

Suggested classes: Artificer, Fighter, Wizard


Some people carry an imprint of some other plane of existence, usually through a blood connection to a powerful entity from that plane. These people are far more prone to magical prowess, usually of a similar kind to that of their ancestor, but not always. These heritages can skip several generations before revealing themselves, and then fade back again.

The lifespan of plane-touched people depends on the purity and power of their ancestry. It can vary from no longer than a regular human to over 400 years, but the latter case is vanishingly rare. Generally, aasimar are the most long lived, followed by genasi, and then tieflings, but there is much overlap between them.


Those descended from celestials have glowing elf-like eyes, usually in gold or silver, and can summon a glowing halo above their heads (the Light cantrip from their Light Bearer feature). Almost all aasimar show a predisposition to divine magic, seemingly acting like a conduit of the gods - divine soul sorcerers are not uncommon among aasimar. Many aasimar are given virtue names by their parents.

Suggested classes: Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer


Tieflings are descended from devils or demons. Easy to spot, their brightly-colored skin and horns mark them as outcasts from birth. Many tieflings grow up as orphans as the heritage is said to be a mark of bad luck, leading some to grow up resentful of their parents, while others simply ignore their past. Many tieflings choose, or are forced to choose, an adventuring lifestyle. Like aasimar, their lifespan is longer than humans, but not too the same degree.

Suggested classes: Rogue, Warlock, Wizard


When djinn of the elemental planes intermingle with mortals, the result can be a genasi, an elementally touched individual. Genasi show great aptitude for the magic connected to their ancestors.

Suggested classes: Druid, Ranger, Warlock



Usually the result of orc raids on unprotected shore villages, these children are outcasts from birth, but some prove themselves to be worthy members of society. A large proportion of half-orcs end up adventuring. Half-orcs are very loyal to those who accept them.

Suggested classes: Barbarian, Fighter, Paladin


When a dragon mother and a mortal father have a child together, the child becomes a dragonborn, taking on the color of its mother. Unlike other half-breeds, dragonborn are not infertile. When two dragonborn of different colors breed, the resulting color is usually that of the mother. Metallic dragonborn band together into societies of their own, either as an enclave in a human or elven settlement or on their own, and are well accepted into civilization. Chromatic dragonborn are not given the same acceptance, although a few have managed to earn the trust of mortals.

Suggested classes: Barbarian, Paladin, Sorcerer