


Dominant culture: Martial

Patron deity: Uller

The second largest settlement in the Whitport holdings. It exports lumber and hunting goods to Covenant. Wolfcrag is quite sparse, spread out along a forest tarn in the Middleswood Forest. Almost all buildings are made from timber.

The village has been spared the worst that has happened to Whitport, but is also being heavily taxed by Mayor Prince.

The Moose and Boar Lodge

Comfortable inn

The central gathering point in Wolfcrag. Almost the entire village comes here in the evening to drink and socialize. During daytime, this is where official business is conducted by the Alderman.

Ragnhild Embermane

(dwarf, NG, 61): Proprietor of the Moose and Boar. She is a matronly woman who does not tolerate dishonesty.

Alderman Freida Wolfheart

(dwarf, LN, 96): Alderman of Wolfcrag, who has been in charge for over forty years. She is a strong leader who remembers the days of Ashworth rule well. Despite her age, she can still wield her greatsword well.

The Arrowstone

In a clearing sits a thirty-foot tall stone of black granite, shaped like an arrowhead pointing into the ground. This is the Arrowstone, a sacred site for followers of Uller. Legend has it that this arrow was fired by Uller himself, went straight through the heart of a giant, before landing here.

Before going on a hunt, all Wolfcrag hunters hang their quivers on pegs hammered into the Arrowstone overnight, which is said to bring good luck. If a quiver of arrows is left here for eight hours by someone in good standing with Uller, 2 (1d4) of the arrows become +1 Arrows.

Albin Swiftshot

(human, LN, 38): Cleric of Uller, and one of the best hunters in Wolfcrag. His home overlooks the Arrowstone, and is filled with hunting trophies.

Svala Paleweaver

(dwarf, NE, 73): Last descendant of the Paleweaver clan, who ruled Wolfcrag many centuries ago, before the empire.

  • Social
    • Small inn
  • Political
    • Alderman?
  • Economic
    • Woodcutters, hunters
  • Religious
    • Uller
  • Military
    • Rangers?
  • Quests