


Dominant culture: Maritime

Patron deity: Tyr, Idun

Whitport lies at the end of a bay of the Windward Coast, west of Covenant. The town used to be a bustling town until a cabal of rich merchants successfully agitated for elections to be held for the town's seat on the Estian Council. Baron Magnus Ashworth had no choice but to give in to the people's demands. House Ashworth moved to Covenant and has been plotting to retake their ancestral seat ever since, although Lord Richard is now the head of the house after Magnus died.

Whitport is the smallest constituent city-state in the League. It is famous for its porcelain, which is produced in both large factories and small artisan shops. The finest Whitport porcelain is extremely expensive, usually painted with decorative motifs.


Officially the Republic of Whitport, elections are held among the rich merchants. Mayor Prince has been the representative for the last 12 years, ever since Baron Ashworth was ejected.

Before the ousting, as the event is called by the inhabitants, the city used the arms of House Ashworth, a red-white-and-blue banner. In order to cement their legitimacy, a new coat of arms was created, a simple field of red with a black stripe by the hoist.

The town is over-taxed, and the people are suffering for it. Businesses and farms are closing, and those who can move to Covenant or Kundamar. A band of outlaws lurks in the nearby forest, and a large reward is promised for their capture or elimination.

After the ousting, the FTC moved in and most porcelain made here is now traded on FTC ships to faraway ports.


Whitport lies along a thin strip of land, less than a mile wide. It is wedged in between the shore of the Windward coast and the Whitehills, a steep hillside that plateaus out into a sparse forest a couple of hundred feet above town.Beyond the hills, the Middleswood Forest provides most of the fuel that the workshops use. The remaining fuel is mostly peat from Mirecairn.

The Drunken Unicorn

Modest inn

The Unicorn is a large single-story inn near the center of town. It is one of the few places in Whitport that are still somewhat homely. Their specialty is an apple mead flavored with cinnamon and cloves. The common room is usually host to low-stakes games of Gnome Fold.

Sean Hearthmint

(halfing, CG, 41): The jolly proprietor of the Unicorn. He enjoys playing dragonchess (+5, adv on first check).

Manor Prince

Previously Manor Ashworth, this large estate on the southern edge of town is the fortified home of Jonathan Prince. Since he moved into the estate, it has received several modifications, including a stone gate house and a large guard barracks, which houses the sheriff.

The vaults under Manor Prince are bulging with gold and riches stolen from the populace of Whitport.

Jonathan Prince

(human, NE, 49): Mayor of Whitport, and its representative on the Council. Took power by agitating against the nobility while making false promises. Has become very rich by overtaxing the town. Owns the Eldergrove Quarry and several porcelain factories, which has made him very wealthy.

Whitehills Lodge

Poor inn

What used to be the premiere lodgings in the city have turned to a bunkhouse where rats the size of badgers fight over table scraps in the common room.

Lily Cooper

(human, NG, 33): Proprietor of the Lodge.

The Claypit

Hewn into the hillside on the northern edge of town is a large quarry where the raw materials for making porcelain are harvested. It is a brilliant white chalky clay, that is shipped to workshops in enormous carts dragged by pairs of giant oxen.

Curtis Sherwood

(human, LE, 38): Foreman at the Claypit, who ensures that Mayor Prince's workshops are well supplied.

Porcelain Workshops

Along the road that runs through Whitport are several porcelain workshops of various sizes and quality levels. The largest factory is the Bluebell Kilnery, which is owned by Jonathan Prince and employs over 200 people.

Hanna Redblaze

(human, NG, 44): Master potter, who makes the best quality porcelain in Whitport. She employs a handful of people in her small workshop. She is one of the few artisans who are still independent and who can affort to ship their goods to the rest of Estia by the land route.

FTC Trading Post

The only part of the city that is flourishing is the walled-off trading post of the FTC. The merchants here buys porcelain at very low prices and ship it far away, leaving the artisans with a much smaller part of the cookie than before.

Basan Varianus

(human, LE, 38): Merchant of the FTC. Has two dozen or so goons who keep the local populace in check, undisturbed by the local Sheriff.

Ruined Chapel of Idun

A burnt-out ruin is all that remains of the chapel to Idun that protected the city. The local cleric was forced into exile, accused of bringing bad luck on the town by Mayor Prince.

Conquest Hall

Previously Justice Hall, this is the seat of the Champion of Whitport. It also serves as the barracks for the Sheriff's men, and as a jail.

Sophia Prince

(human, LE, 42): Sheriff and Champion of Whitport on the Lodge of the Roses, and sister of Jonathan Prince. She is a ruthless woman who holds the highest judicial office in Whitport, sentencing all who dissent to draconian punishments.

Cyril Steelbane

(human, LE, 45): Zealous cleric of Tyr, who is married to Sheriff Sophia.

Other inhabitants

While many have fled the kleptocratic rule of Mayor Prince, some still remain - some out of necessity, others out of spite.

Tucker Ironbands

(dwarf, NG, 105) Charitor of the Pilgrim Knights. Tends a small shrine to Freya near the center of Whitport. Does what he can for the poor, with limited funds.

Only the Pilgrim emblem protects the shrine from meeting the same fate as the shrine to Idun, which was set ablaze by the Sheriff's men.

Blake Brambletyne

(halfling, novice alchemist, LN, 61): Dyemaker who makes glazes and other additives for the porcelain business. He also makes some minor potions, but does not have much to sell.

Yua Summerlyn

(human, CN, 26): Fizzle runner who smuggles Sanguine Fizzle from Whitport to Covenant. Desperate for money to pay off a magical debt to a fiend, and will cross anyone if he thinks he can get a double share.

Kettil Steelhammer

(dwarf, journeyman blacksmith, TN, 88): Kettil has a small shop by the center of town. His forge produces tools, armor, and weapons for anyone with coin.

Capella Goldwax

(gnome, scrollscribe, NG, 102): Capella is the closest thing that Whitport has to a wizard. She knows a few spells, sure, but most of her magic is done through scribing scrolls. She carries her scrolls in an extradimensional scrollcase, which lets her conjure them up at will. All her scrolls are written in miniscule letters on fine parchment and are sealed with her signature golden wax.

Nick Oakhart

(human, LE, 47): Proprietor of Nick's Goods and Wares, a pawn shop. He has made a lot of money from desperate Whitport citizens pawning their valuables. Nick is a very tough negotiator, always out for the best deal for himself.

The Whitehills

The ridge above Whitport is the source of a rich clay that is perfect for porcelain-making.

Duskfallow Cave

A cave system with large stalagmites, on the far side of the Whitehills.

Overlook Cliff

A natural outcropping with a magnificient view of Middleswood Forest and the Windward Coast. The Overlook ends with a sheer drop of several hundred feet into jagged and broken ground below.

Eldergrove Quarry

A open-air quarry with rich deposits of amethyst. It is owned by Jonathan Prince, and is what made him a wealthy man in the first place.

Proudshaw Farm

This small vegetable farm just outside Whitport is home to the Proudshaw family. They grow melons, squash, and pumpkins, and they have a few cows.

Albert Proudshaw

(human, NG, 36): Albert works the fields, tending to each plant as if it were his children.

Celen Proudshaw

(half-elf, LG, 51): Celen loves to cook, especially with Albert's homegrown produce.

Woolridge Farm

The Woolridge family farm is a small farm outside Whitport. They have a herd of sheeps and goats, including some giant ones. The herd ranges far into the Whitehills in the summer, grazing on whatever they can find.

Both Poppy and Rhys are members of the Redscarves, and their farm often acts as a safehouse.

Poppy Woolridge

(halfling, cg, 38): Poppy guards her flock with her staffsling. She is aided by her loyal dog Bruno, a black-and-white collie that is almost as tall as Poppy.

Rhys Woolridge

(halfling, ng, 41): Rhys is jovial and has an unbreakable positive attitude. Knows a few druidic spells and cantrips, which he uses to tend to his sheep.

Middleswood Forest

A dense forest that covers the land all the way to Wolfcrag, Arafel, and beyond.


This forest lake is cursed, and few people even go near it at all. Its water's are said to be poisonous, and have many monsters living within.


Dotted around an oblong lake are several ancient barrows, where mighty heroes of old are buried. It is an eerie place, which can fill even the most seasoned adventurer with dread.

Mistdew Glen

West of Wolfcrag, the Middleswood opens up to a small fen. At night, loud noises can be heard from here, and some hunters report seeing lights in the misty clearings.

Windward Coast

The narrow inlet that leads to Whitport is home to several small islets, none of which are inhabited.

Stormbog Isle

Some locals swear that this island is haunted, and that flashes of light can be seen on dark nights over the ocean.

Beholder? Mind Flayer?

Eternity's Wreck

This shipwreck was once the Eternity, a ship in service of the FTC. It sunk during a fierce Hammermonth storm, crushed on the rocks before it sank with all hands aboard.

Other locations


On the edge of a vast peat bog lies Mirecairn, a remote settlement north of Whitport. The villagers harvest the peat for fuel and other uses, both for their own use and to sell.


A small village of only a couple hundred people, far to the northwest. A narrow winding road through the Middleswood leads there.