House Cassaro

By All Gods

House Cassaro holds the Barony of Northcross, and swear fealty to Count Aurius of Greystone.

Family members

Baroness Salome

(aasimar, LG, 195): Baroness Salome is a deft politician who sits on the Estian Council. She is an aasimar, and was educated at the School of Rhetoric and Oratory in Greystone, of which she is now a major patron.

Lord Achilles

(human, CN, 60): Lord Achilles sits on the Estian Council as Spymaster of the Realm. He heads the League's clandestine intelligence gathering operations. Great nephew of Baroness Salome.

Lord Sebastian

(human, NG, 47): Great-grandson of Baroness Salome and younger brother of Lady Diana.

Templar Liam Cassaro

(human templar paladin, LG, 36): In charge of a company of Spears that are stationed on Elderholm. Descended from a cadet branch of House Cassaro.

Lord Alvin

(human, CG, 21): Son of Lord Sebastian. Betrothed to Lady Annabelle Beckett of Covenant. Would rather finish his education at the School of Rhetoric and Oratory and become a bard, playing his lyre for all who would listen.

Manor Cassaro

Nestled in a forest valley on the outskirts of Northcross lies the large estate that the Cassaro family calls home.