


Dominant culture: Martial

Patron deity: Tyr

The city of Kundamar was once the capital of the dwarven kingdom that ruled Estia before the Empire invaded. Back then, it was home to over 50000 people, but now it only a couple thousand people inhabit it. The remains of Kundamar is ruled over by Clan Dragonbrand, who have ruled here since the days of the kingdom. They begrudingly swear allegiance to House Beckett, whom they perceive to be invaders and occupiers.

The Kingdom of Kundamar was founded before the Empire existed, when Tec was but a small fishing village. It lasted for exactly a thousand years, falling in 841 AUC, when Ragnar the Unkneeling refused to become a vassal of the Emperor. The coat of arms of Kundamar are two red crossed hammers on a white field.

The city itself is located in a cave system, with large tunnels that connect cathedral-like chambers with houses, streets, and all the normal trappings of a city - only underground. There is very little ambient light, and most people carry torches or rely on natural darkvision. As the city declined, parts of it were sealed off. No one alive knows all the paths and caves through the ruins.

For over a thousand years, the hills around Kundamar have been a source of metal, primarily iron, platinum, and adamantite. Despite its waning population, the Kundamar smithys still run hot, and produce plenty of arms and armor that they export. The coast below the Kundamar hills is also home to a large saltworks that is a major source of Hydrium.