
A small village that sprung up around the Lodge of the Roses, an order of paladins in service of the League founded by Baron Thomas Emberbloom. Aside from the Lodge's seaside keep that the village is named for, Godshearth is also home to crabfishers and farmers. Most farmers grow vegetables and raise sheep or pigs.

The Lodge consists of seven paladins, one from each city-state in the League. Members are chosen by the rulers of their home when the previous champion dies or retires. They are not necessarily chosen on pure combat prowess, although some champions have been chosen by tournament before.

In case of war or other conflict, the paladins of the Lodge serve as commanders in the Purple Legion, but in peacetime they mostly keep to their lodge. The paladin who has served the Lodge the longest is called the First Sword. The duties of the First Sword include the keeping of the lodge's chronicles, where their deeds are recorded. The paladins have around two dozen squires and servants at their keep.

In the chapel of the Godshearth, under a statue of Heimdall, the Lodge's patron deity, lies a hidden ark that holds a single set of Sacred Scrolls of the Order. Only the First Sword knows of their existence.

Sir Richard

(human glory paladin, LG): The Champion of Greystone, and current First Sword. He rose through the ranks of the Greystone Arena gladiatorial games many years ago, and wields a longsword and shield.

Lady Astanna

(half-elf crown paladin, LG): The Champion of Covenant. In combat, Lady Astanna wields two scimitars, spinning around the battlefield.

Sir Gareth

(human vengeance paladin, LN): The Champion of Cottenhorn. He wields a large adamantine glaive.

Sir Marigos

(brass dragonborn watchers paladin, LN): The Champion of the United Archipelago. He grew up on Kiniden, and wields a spear and shield.

Lady Freydis

(dwarf devotion paladin, LG): The Champion of Myrknes. Lady Freydis is a devout follower of Heimdall who wields a maul.

Lady Sophia

(human conquest paladin, LE): The Champion of Whitport and the newest member of the Lodge, after the previous Champion died unexpectedly. She is a ruthless conqueror who wields a massive obsidian greatsword. She is a close ally of Councilman Jonathan Prince.

Sir Hellebore

(halfling ancients paladin, NG): The Champion of the Tembridge. He was a squire to the previous Champion of Tembridge, who perished in a fight with a green dragon in the Halcyon Glades. Sir Hellebore managed to defeat the dragon, and was knighted in his former master's stead. He wields a rapier and wears lighter armor than his brethren.