People of the Isles

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Current favorites

ArmorerLidena Archion
Lawrence Colridge-BeckettMercy
Heather of the WildsPoetry
Aurora nan EstiaeMoon
Maxwell WinsonCrusader
Sigyn SpiritspearNina Galemantle
Saenna MindoreiTreewarden
QuinnRingo Flaxwood
Mathias BrightflameDamian Starwind
-Alessa the Scarred
Clockwork/OrderCrimson Fury
Isaac DarkflameBeholder
Lumiel GallaethRebecca Brightberry


These characters might have a name and a build, but need a fuller backstory.

Lucky Pete

M Stout Halfling Hexblade Warlock/Lore Bard (Urban Bounty Hunter, LN)

Bounty hunter cowboy. Eldritch Blast is a revolver. Hold Person is a magical lasso. His steed is a pony from Find Steed, gotten via magical secrets.

Marigold Greenbark

F Gnomish Moon Druid/Monk 1 (Hermit, NG) (ddb)


M Warforged Evoker Wizard (Sage, LG) (ddb)

Wants to catalogue all the recipes of the world in his recipe book, which is also a spellbook. Fights with fire spells, which he flings with reckless abandon. Was made to serve as a chef for a rich nobleman.

Dancebot 5000

F Warforged Glamour Bard (Entertainer, CG)

Built to entertain guests at a high-end club in Covenant. Her robotic body is covered in lights that flash when she uses her magic.

Quill Blackfeather

F Shifter Grave Cleric (Acolyte, LN, 31) (ddb) Quill serves Odin, giving funeral rites to all those who fall on the battlefield. Her spell casting focus is a lantern.

Syrena Malloren

Aasimar Scholar at the Greystone chapter of the Council.

A Warforged Wizard chef who travels the world looking for exotic recipes to write down in his book of recipes and spells. Uses primarily fire spells in combat. Wants to become the best chef in the world, despite not being able to enjoy his creations. Any party would

Samantha Stormborn

Air genasi Tempest Cleric of Thor. Shipwrecked in a storm during a trade run, her mother was rescued by a fluxcharger and became pregnant. As a Genasi, she was an outcast, at home only on ships. Her fellow sailors respected her connection to the storms and she became a sea-priestess, blessing ships before long voyages or dangerous passages.


Tabaxi Bard of the Swords College and Hexblade. With his equally sharp wit and rapier, Felix travels around as a minstrel playing his lute, always looking for his next mark to swindle. With a girl in every village and a hand in every pocket he is always close to trouble, but has a remarkable aptitude of getting away. Some say he has super-natural help, but knowing Felix it is equally likely he started that rumor himself.

Erna Frostbeard

Dwarf Barbarian. Hailing from the mountains of Cottenhorn, Erna is a young barbarian on a journey to prove herself to her tribe. Embodying the spirit of the bear, her rough-and-tumble attitude can be jarring at first, but she has a big heart for her friends.


Eladrin Oath of the Ancients Paladin. Got lost in the Feywild and found herself in the material plane. Realizing that this plane also required her services, she roams the world looking for a way back to her home.


Lizardfolk Circle of the Moon Druid. Tribe shaman on a vision quest.

Ol' Tubbs

Oldest sailor aboard the Wavecrester. Knows every tall tale and sailors story there is to know, and regularly entertains the crew by playing his mandolin and singing his songs. Composed The Ballad of Captain Maldus after the party freed the crew of the Wavecrester.


  • Shepherd beastmaster: halfling w/ collie dog
  • Echo knight + rogue (AT/phantom): Self-enabled sneak attacks and OAs, oh my
  • Tortle swarmkeeper ranger with hare swarm?
  • Calligrapher Scribes Wizard (Artificer Initiate for the quill spell focus)
  • Lost-from-the-feywild CG eladrin oath of ancients dex paladin
  • Tempest Cleric + dragon monk dragonborn knockback machine
  • Hexblade/Swords Bard
    • 2h axe guitar?
  • Chronurgist
  • Eagle warrior aquilon barbarian with feathered armor
  • Echo Knight
  • Twilight Cleric
  • Wildfire Druid w/ red panda fire spirits (smallkin?)
  • Astral Self monk:
    • Eladrin (Astral self looks like an archfey)
    • Dragonborn (astral dragon)
  • Sorlock eldritch blaster (possibly flavor eldritch blast as a gun)
  • Warforged Moon druid, transformers-style
  • Tortle Fathomless warlock
  • Undead warlock:
    • Vampire: dhampir
    • Fallen angel: aasimar
    • Dracolich: dragonborn
  • DW monk with two kamas, mantis style
    • ODnD rules?

Female names: Leah, Kaisa, Tess, Ashley (Ash)

Male names: Wilhelm