Ringo Flaxwood

Ringo Flaxwood

Race Lightfoot Halfling
Class Gambler Rogue
Background Charlatan
Alignment CN
Age 33
  • Feats
    • 1: Dirty Fighting
    • 4: +2 DEX
  • Uncommon: Luckstone


Ringo is normally upbeat and easygoing, but when the cards are down, he plays to win. While he might say that the streaks of good luck is all him, and curse Idun's name only when his good luck inevitably turns, like many halflings he is actually a rather devout follower of the Wingfoot.


  • I will try to make anything into a wager.
  • I have a joke for every occasion, especially occasions where humor is inappropriate.


  • Chance What is life without leaving some things to fate? (Chaotic)


  • I owe a large amount of gold to some dangerous people, and I am late on my payments.


  • I can't resist taking a risk if there's money involved.

Alternative feats:

  • Lucky
  • Magic Initiate for Booming Blade
  • Fighting Initiate for dueling or twf
  • Squat Nimbleness/skill expert to start 18 dex

Could at some point take a level of divine soul sorc for guidance, booming blade, favored of the gods, and a few spells (silvery barbs + disguise self?).