Lawrence Colridge-Beckett

DnD Beyond

Half-elf College of Lore Bard (Entertainer, CG, 27)

Ah-hah! You have underestimated your foe - for I am Lawrence Colridge-Beckett! I suggest you lay down your arms, cur, as I am sure you have heard of me, and know you stand no chance.

Marvelous! I shall compose an ode in your honor, friend!

Oh, the theater - one night I will stand on that stage, but alas, tonight is not that night.

Lawrence Colridge-Beckett

ClassLore Bard
AlignmentChaotic Good

While his name might suggest an upper-class upbringing, Lawrence's life has never been one of great luxury. Elizabeth, Lawrence's mother, raised him alone after she got pregnant at a fancy function in Covenant. With a child out of wedlock, her prospects of marrying were greatly decreased, as was her standing in the Beckett clan. Lawrence's father is a rich elf merchant from Tel Edhil, trading in silks, or atleast that is what his mother tells him.

Lawrence had a more somber upbringing than most of his extended family. Luckily for him, he developed an almost unmatched way with words. Few can match his rapier wit, although the rapier he wears on his hip is mostly for show. It wasn't long before young Lawrence built up a ravenous appetite for the stage.

When he was 16 years old, he entered into a poetry competition at the Platinum Peacock in Covenant. He performed a short alliterative love ballad called Hannah's Heart, a not-so-subtle reference to a girl he fancied at the time. The poem did not go down all that well (except with Hannah), and he was eliminated in the first round, but the feeling of the crowd stayed with him.

By working extra as a barhand at the Peacock, Lawrence earned enough money to sustain himself and buy himself a rickety old lute from a pawn shop. He practiced his luteplaying for hours, day and (to his neighbor's despair) night. When he was 19 years old, the Peacock's resident troubadour had had a little too much to drink before his set, and was in no state to perform. Lawrence offered to fill in on stage, and was given a chance.

This time he did quite well, and Lawrence was soon a regular appearance at the Peacock, and he was soon able to upgrade his lute to a fully functioning one. He has written several (better) poems and songs, and collects ballads to add to his repertoire, preferring the romantic compositions of high-elven origin.

Eventually, life at the Peacock became little too routine, and Lawrence set out on a grand tour of Estia and beyond. For the last six months, he was in Heimdall's Anvil, where he spent a semester studying at the Conservatory, learning much about the history and mysteries of the world. In order to afford tuition at the Conservatory, Lawrence had to sell most of his hard-earned belongings.

While he could probably have had a future in Heimdall's Anvil, he has once again heeded the call of the winding road, kissed his girlfriends goodbye for the last time, and now Lawrence goes troubadouring from town to town, playing his lute for whoever will listen (and preferably pay).


  • I have a soft spot for theatrics when making an entrance.
  • Nobody stays angry at me or around me for long, since I can defuse any amount of tension.


  • Beauty: I want to leave the world a more elegant place than I found it. (Good)


  • I want to be the most famous bard that has ever lived.
  • I want to confront my father over leaving my mother and me.


  • I cannot resist a pretty face, or a tasty beverage.

  • Feats:
    • 1: Fey Touched (possibly Actor instead)
    • 4: +2 CHA: In order to get maximum amount of BI dice
    • 8: Inspiring Leader or Resilient: Constitution
    • 12: The other one of Inspiring Leader and Res: Con
    • Other options: Moderately Armored, Skill Expert, Eldritch Adept (Mask of Many Faces/Misty Visions/Eldritch Mind)
  • Possible multiclassing:
    • Warlock 2: Invocations, Eldritch Blast, Armor of Agathys, medium armor + shield if Hexblade
    • Sorc 1: Shield, Cantrips