The Arid Frontier

Wild West, but D&D. Cacti, lever actions, tumbleweeds... but also swords, monsters, and magic!

Fort Merrida

Fort Merrida

Founded in 1344 AUC


Dominant culture: Teccan

Patron deity: Uller

Fort Merrida lies at the edge of civilization, far from decent places. It is built around a small oasis which provides water and some arable land. The actual fort is a small stone building, erected by the FTC to secure gold transports from monsters and the native tribals. Most other buildings are rickety structures made from sunbleached wood.

The influx of gold and other valuables makes everything in Fort Merrida extermely expensive. Thus, most people who come here bring as much resources as they can with them. If you make even a little money here, you would be wealthy in other parts of the world - but getting out isn't exactly easy. The promise of riches draw many luckseekers here from Estia, Tec, and other more civilized places.

The frontier is also a place for new beginnings. The law does not follow people here, as long as you don't make any trouble. If you do, justice is likely carried out swiftly by the offended party.

The Fort

One of few stone buildings in town, this square keep is the headquarters of the local FTC chapter. The cellars below the fort are filled to the brim with valuables, and a caravan filled with riches leaves for the coast almost weekly.

Caecilia Seption Florentius

(human, LN, 51): Governor of the FTC. Caecilia is the de facto ruler of Fort Merrida. She grew up in town as the daughter of the previous Governor, earning her station by ensuring the mine shipments never were late. Caecilia and Chairman Julius are second cousins.

Red Dragon Saloon

The drinking hole of choice for the thirsty inhabitants of Fort Merrida. It is an easy choice to make, as it is the only such establishment.

Lone Star Headquarters

The Lone Stars provides protection from beast and man alike for those who need to travel through the frontier. Their services are very expensive, but they are considered the best for a reason. All the Lone Star members carry a copper star badge on their chest.

'Mad' Jane Westerling

(human, 47, CG): The best caravan protector in Fort Merrida. She is usually counted as the best shot in Fort Merrida with her lever-action rifle. She got her nickname from when she wrestled a giant scorpion to retrieve a bottle of firewater.

Barnum's Fighting Pit

Used for various monster fights and duels. The sandy floor of this arena has seen a lot of blood.

Jesse Barnum

(human, LE, 48): Pitmaster who only cares about getting paid. Takes some pretty extreme risks to bring monsters inside Fort Merrida for fights. Recently brought a Giant Hyena, which tore its opponent to literal shreds and almost escaped the fighting pit.

Modia Dorus

(half-elf, CN, 29): Monster tamer who fights with dual whips. In her hometown of Tec, she is wanted for several crimes.

Huntsman's Church

This temple is dedicated to Uller the Huntsman. A small graveyard, filled to the brim with tombstones, surrounds it. The creed of the Huntsman fits the frontier well: exploration, harvest, temperance. Those who succumb to greed have started down the short path to an early grave.

Sidney Rowland

(human, LN, 51): Bountyhunter, lawman, and preacher of the Huntsman's teachings. Carries a large six-shooter under his serape. His salt-and-pepper hair and furrowed visage is the fear of any illdoer in town.


Fort Merrida draws many people of different skills who ply their trades.

Capella Redmint

(gnome, CG, 50): Journeyman alchemist who studies the desert flora for its potential in potionmaking. She also sells some of her more successful brews.


(human, CN, 27): Hunter from the Rattlesnake Clan who sells his wares to the frontiersmen. He has much knowledge about the surrounding lands, gained from far-ranging hunts atop Muahaha, his raptor mount.

Astor Manicia Pompan

(human artificer, TN, 37): Gunsmith who builds and services firearms for the population of Fort Merrida. He cares not if his inventions are used to kill monsters or people.

Prospector Canyon

This mine, only a mile or so from Fort Merrida, holds the primary reason that the frontier was settled: gold! The ground her is also rich in gems, especially opals.

Marietta Marcelus

(human, LE, 41): Mine foreman, and Merchant of the FTC.

Svartleif Stonecleaver

(dwarf, CN, 69): A very successful miner. Some believe he can sniff his way to opals, as he seems to find more than anyone else.

Other Landmarks

The red sand of the desert seems to go on forever, but it is not featureless. Large sandstune buttes dot the landscape, as do some lonely homesteads where individuals, families, or in some cases small clans make their own way outside of society.

Dead Cactus Valley

Home to the Dead Cactus clan, tribals who practice dark magic in service of the Great Snake, a deity with many similarities to Loki.

Chief Narihana

(yuanti, LE, 41): Snakecaller.

Dragon Mesa

This butte is the lair of the blue dragon Zephyraza. It lies at the center of a parched salt flat, where almost nothing grows.


(adult blue dragon, NE, 678): Powerful sorcerer with an unparalleled control of the wind.

Rattlesnake Gulch

Bandit hideout where Razor Freddie and his gang of robbers lay low between hits. The gang consists of around a dozen able fighters.

'Razor' Freddie Hogan

(human, NE, 22): Leader of the Rattlesnake Gang, who ambush caravans and steal their valuables.


(human, LE, 24): The Rattlesnake's best tracker. She is originally from the Dead Cactus clan. She fights with a spear alongside her trusty pet coyote.

Bison Praerie

This grassy expanse far north of Fort Merrida is the home of the nomadic Sharpclaw clan, who ride large bipedal raptors when they hunt bison and other large prey on the steppes.

Chief Takota

(human, NG, 68): The aging chief of the Sharpclaws. He wears an enormous feather headdress, celebrating his many successful hunts.

Mount Sheridan

The highest mountain in the Frontier, its peak is clearly visible from Fort Merrida. Home to a roc, who has nabbed many beasts of burdens from unsuspecting caravans.

The Great Pyramid

Several ruined remains surround this 300-foot pyramid, whose sheer stone faces glitter in the sun. What is inside it is unknown, although tribal legends suggest it is a place of great magical power.

Calyphite's Oasis

In a lush oasis at the bottom of a ravine, the Children of Calyphite live in caves hewn into the rock wall. They are a tribe of tribals who worship the lamia Calyphite as their goddess. She rewards her faithful with magical powers and lion steeds. There is intense competition over who gets to be close to Calyphite, and backstabbing and sabotage are common among those who vie for her attention.


(lamia, CE, 319): As devious as she is beautiful, this lamia rules her tribe from her temple at the center of the oasis. Her temple palace is a hewn from red rock, deep into the mountainside.

To'antah, First Blade of Calyphite

(human, NE, 28): Calyphite's latest concubine, whom she has gifted many powers. He is young for the post, and has many rivals among the clan.

  • Several tribes of natives
    • Need a good collective name: tribals?
    • Tribe of nonhumans? Halflings - jackalope clan?
    • Bird clan
    • Goblins?
  • Resources:
    • Monster parts
    • Gold
    • Oil?
  • Places:
  • Monsters:
    • Dinosaurs!
    • Ankheg
    • Bandits
    • Blue Dragon
    • Wendigo
    • Couatl
    • Harpies
    • Lamia
    • Giant Snake
    • Giant Hyenas
    • Giant Scorpions
    • Naga
    • Roc
    • Titan Jackalope
    • Kruthik
    • Chitlins
  • Other places:
    • Plains
    • Beaver forest