Nobles of the League

House TuverenCounty of Owl RockCurrently holds the Duchy of Estia
House BeckettCounty of Covenant
House DawnstarCounty of Greystone
House BlaiseCounty of Cottenhorn
House ArbrintirelBarony of RoslakeElvish family
House VillencourtBarony of GoldshoreHalfling family
House KeswickBarony of Arastfjord
House AshworthBarony of WhitportContested holdings
House CassaroBarony of Northcross
House DelacroixUnlandedHalfling family
House SharvirUnlandedElvish family
House BreckenridgeUnlanded
House CorneliiUnlanded
Clan GreatbraidJarldom of MyrknesDwarven clan
Clan DragonbrandChiefdom of KundamarDwarven clan
Clan TruthweaverChiefdom of JotunnadalDwarven clan
Clan AmbermaneChiefdom of VargavaktDwarven clan

Generations of marriages and scheming has created a complex web of relations, feuds and friendships between the upper crust of Estian society. Some of the titles were awarded while the Empire ruled, but most were created to award those who had been instrumental to the League's founding.

The noble families spend their time vying for wealth and positions of power, primarily on the Estian Council. Some have turned their focus to the patronage of artists, athletes, and gladiators. Being in the good graces of a powerful noble is a post desired by many, as the very name of one's patron can open many doors and coffers.


The ranks of nobility can be hard to understand for an outsider, but it is quite simple. A noble always has a liege of higher rank, to whom they pay taxes to (collected from lower-ranked nobles, who in turn collect from the people).

Estian noble titles (except for Duke of Estia) follow absolute primogeniture, meaning that the oldest child inherits the title regardless of gender. If a holder of a title dies without children, the title goes to the nearest living relative. If two nobles marry, they take the name of whoever is the most senior member of their respective house.

New titles, both landed and unlanded, can be created by the Estian Council with a majority vote. The Speaker has a veto on any such vote, but rarely needs to use it, as neither the noble faction nor the republican faction wants more nobles to share power with.


The highest title is duke/duchess. No family holds a permanent ducal title. The Speaker of the Council is awarded the title of Duke of Estia for their tenure, and all the Counts swear fealty to them. The taxes collected by the Duke of Estia goes to run the government of the League.


The second highest title is count/countess. A county title is usually based in a major city and holds large areas of land. Dwarven clans instead use the word Jarl for this title.


This is the lowest land-holding title. A barony usually consists of a smaller town or a large village and its surrounding land. In dwarven society, this title is equal to that of Chieftain.


A member of a noble family that does not hold land, or junior members of major families. There are several families who are noble, but through marriage or some other reason have lost their land holdings, making Lord the highest title they can use.