Crafting Magic Items

In order to craft magic items, craftsmen harness the magics of the world, in the form of magical essence. These come in many forms: gems, creature parts, rare herbs, and magical metals are but a few.

Magic item prices

Buying magic items outright from an artisan is very expensive, as they have to be crafted without knowing there is a buyer. When selling magic items, most merchants offer you half this amount of gold. As always, specific magic items may be more or less expensive, if they are even for sale at all.

RarityCost (permanent)Cost (Consumable)
Common75 (25+2d4×10) gp50 (25+2d4×5) gp
Uncommon800 (100+2d6×100) gp160 (20+2d6×20) gp
Rare2750 (1000+2d6×250) gp550 (200+2d6×50) gp
Very Rare14000 (5000+2d8×1000) gp2800 (1000+2d8×200) gp
Legendary47500 (25000+2d8×2500) gp9500 (5000+2d8×500) gp

Downtime: Crafting

Item RarityOther material costs (permanent)Time (permanent)Other material costs (consumable)Time (consumable)
Common50 (1d4×25) gp1 workweek (makes 2 (1d4))50 (1d4×25) gp1 workweek (makes 10 (3d6))
Uncommon250 (2d4×50) gp1 workweek250 (2d4×50) gp1 workweek (makes 5 (2d4))
Rare700 (2d6×100) gp1 workweek350 (2d6×50) gp1 workweek (makes 2 (1d4))
Very rare3250 (3d8×250) gp2 (1d4) workweeks650 (3d8×50) gp1 workweek
Legendary13500 (5d10×500) gp5 (2d4) workweeks2700 (5d10×100) gp2 (1d4) workweeks

To fuel magic items, you need to infuse the item with magical essence. The crafting also requires mundane materials and reagents, which is abstracted into a gold cost. You can only craft items using tools you are proficient with.

The DM determines what essences are required for crafting a particular item. Most permanent items require two essences of the same rarity as the item, while consumable items generally require a single essence. Some items might require a particular essence or material to craft.

If a NPC artisan is hired to do the crafting, the gold cost is doubled, representing a fee. The artisan might waive this fee as a reward for a quest, or be haggled down to a better price.

For example, crafting a pair of Bracers of Defense, a rare item, requires a rare earth essence and a rare lawful essence. An earth elemental core and a 500gp amethyst would fulfill this. In addition, the crafting requires ~1400gp of other materials and would take one week to complete for a character that is proficient with either smith's tools or jeweler's tools.

Example recipes

The following table contains a handful of example recipes. As always, the DM will listen to well-thought out arguments for why a different essence or proficiency should apply.

ItemEssencesTool proficiency
Arcane Octo-sphereLawful + Earth (obsidian)Mason's tools
Initiate's StaffAir + Earth + Fire + WaterWoodcarver's tools
Doss LutePositive + ChaoticWoodcarver's tools
Immovable RodLawful + LawfulSmith's tools
Windsilk LeathersAir (windsilk) + WaterLeatherworker's tools
Blink BootsChaotic (blink dog leather) + AirCobbler's tools
Bracers of DefenseEarth + LawfulSmith's tools or Jeweler's tools
Flame TongueFire + ChaoticSmith's tools
MindsaberLawful + PsionicTinker's tools
Illusionist's BracersChaotic + LawfulWeaver's tools
AntumbraLawful + PositiveGlassblower's tools
Holy AvengerPositive + Fire + Lawful (adamantite metal)Smith's tools
Healing PotionPositive or Water*Herbalism kit or Alchemist's supplies
Noxious PoisonNegative or Earth*Poisoner's kit
Dragonscale ArrowAny (dragon scales)**Woodcarver's tools
Potion of HeroismLawfulHerbalism kit or Alchemist's supplies
Potion of ResistanceAny***Herbalism kit or Alchemist's supplies

* - the rarity of the essence determines the magnitude.

** - if you use a higher-level essence, you can probably craft more arrows in a given timeframe.

*** - the type of the essence used determines which damage type the potion provides resistance to.

Masterwork equipment

Basic +1/+2/+3 armors and weapons are not necessarily enchanted per se, instead being masterfully crafted using processes that imbue them with subtle magical strength. These items can be crafted using any two essences of the same rarity as the resulting item.

Downtime: Disenchant item

Just as magic items can be constructed from essences, so too can essences be recovered from items. This is a destructive process, but provides a way of reusing items that are less useful to the situation at hand.

Using one workweek of downtime, you can destroy a magic item, gaining an essence of its rarity. Usually, this essence has the type of one of the essences used to craft that particular item.

Downtime: Bind Essence

A spellcaster can bind essences directly with the correct spell and something to bind the essence to. The rarity of the essence depends on the spell slot used. This ritual takes a workweek to complete, and you do not regain the spell slot used at the end.

Essence raritySpell levelOther reagents cost
Very Rare6-72500gp

The ritual consists of casting special versions of the spell, requiring a spell slot of the level attempted. Spells cannot be upcast to create a higher level essence. The spells do not require any costly material components to be cast this way, knowing the spell is enough.

A creative player might come up with more options than the following to create an essence:

  • Chaos Bolt: uncommon chaotic
  • Blur: uncommon chaotic
  • Forcecage: very rare law
  • Conjure Fey: very rare chaotic
  • Conjure/Summon Elemental: any rare primal
  • Demiplane: legendary law
  • Antipathy/Sympathy: legendary lawful or chaotic
  • chromatic orb: any uncommon primal
  • Conjure Elemental: any rare primal
  • Control Water: rare water
  • Bones of the Earth: very rare earth
  • Control Weather: legendary air
  • Ceremony: uncommon positive
  • Inflict Wounds: uncommon negative
  • Dawn: rare positive
  • Creation: rare negative
  • Conjure Celestial: very rare positive
  • Finger of Death: very rare negative
  • Illusory Dragon: legendary chaotic and any primal
  • Hypnotic Pattern: uncommon chaotic
  • Wall of Force: rare law
  • Color Spray: any uncommon
  • Prismatic Spray: any very rare
  • Prismatic Wall: any legendary

There is also the Soul Trap spell for those with a necromantic bend to their crafting. This is very evil magic, but can be immensely powerful.

Downtime: Scribe Scroll

Scrolls, uniquely, do not require essences to craft. Instead, they require the scribe to know the spell in question.

  • Req Calligrapher's tools
  • Req knowing the spell
  • Req gold?
  • Expends the spellslot after the downtime?

Monster parts

  • Hide: skin, leather, pelt, fur, scales, plates, chitin, feathers, carapace
  • Fluid: blood, ooze goo, ichor, saliva, ectoplasm, gall, tears
  • Bones: femur, cranium, scapula
  • Organ: heart, eye, brain, liver, gills, silk sacs, ear, venom gland, tongue
  • Weapon: teeth, fangs, stinger, claws, beak, horns, antlers, tentacle
  • Other: elemental core, egg, guano, antennae